Olá. It's Jess.

Olá. It's Jess.

Olá. It's Jess.

Olá. It's Jess.

I love to design websites and user interfaces, do freelancing and creative hobbies.

Check out my work ✨💼

I love to design websites and user interfaces, do freelancing and creative hobbies.

Check out my work ✨💼

I love to design websites and user interfaces, do freelancing and creative hobbies.

Check out my work ✨💼

I love design websites and user interfaces, do freelancing and creative hobbies.

Check out my work ✨💼

Apps that I am using daily.

Projects I have worked on:

Projects I have worked on:



Tmov is a logistics software services company based in Londrina, Brazil.

Together with a team I worked on a new Eixo Design System for customers.



Neon is a digital bank based in São Paulo, Brazil.

Together with a team I worked on a new design system to improve the customer support experience.

Personal FAQ

Who am I?

I'm Jessica and my profession and hobby is building aesthetic websites and user interfaces like a pro. Make sure to check out my ‘About me' page to learn more.

What is this website for?

This website is resembles my UX/UI designer portoflio. I created it with Framer, a modern tool for creative pros.

Do I have social media?

Yes, but I prefer not to share them as I enjoy the little bit of privacy the internet has left us. You can connect with me on LinkedIn though!

Contact me

Contact me

Contact me

© Framer Inc. 2023, Jessica Rebouças

© Framer Inc. 2023, Jessica Rebouças