Neon, 2021

Neon, 2021

Neon, 2021

Improving the customer support experience

Improving the customer support experience



Investigate clients' pain points with customer support and iterate possible solutions to improve service ratings.

The Problem

The Problem

It was observed that customers needed more transparency about service and support means. In addition, it proved necessary to offer support when users find themselves without access to the application or the mobile device to which the account is connected.

My roles

My roles

Component Design



Design Principles


Interface redesign



The prototypes offered solutions for customer support through Neon's website, taking into consideration impact and feasibility. The solution was to redesign the FAQ page and transform it into a customer support page.

Desk research

Desk research

The desk research provided data and information such as customer profile, customer support complaints, and the financial behavior of Brazilians.

Key Findings:

  • Neon is the main bank account for 65% of its users. 

  • Most users are "millennials" between the ages of 18 and 35. 

  • On the business rating site "Reclame Aqui," customers expressed frustration with the app's support and lack of access or information about it on the website.

  • An Accenture report showed that 83% of Brazilians would seek customer support for banking services entirely through their personal computers.

The Process

The Process

The problem definition and brainstorming led me to possible solutions and features to validate. The prototype solutions were prioritized considering the development effort and impact.



Three wireframes were quickly sketched until I settled on a final prototype. They were aimed at efficiency of use and good information architecture practices.

The Prototype

The Prototype

  • The FAQ page has been transformed into a customer support area to help customers find the most appropriate option for contacting the bank.

  • The redesign reduced the long FAQ scrolling and improved topic navigation with a menu navigation.

  • A contact form has been designed to help customers easily contact the bank at the support email they provide. Previously, the contact email could only be found on a specific question in the FAQ list.

What's next?

What's next?

After the first solution was delivered with the new library and after collecting feedback from developers and designers, we observed:

  • Less time is spent on design thinking processes when using the Design System

  • More assertiveness and fewer design homologation adjustments before release

  • Clean code and greater efficiency in team development, and no time spent refactoring components to meet product/use needs

What I've learned

What I've learned

  • Aligning our project with managers and developers interested in working with a component library was crucial to start development, reducing setbacks and making our project more than a Figma file.

  • My communication skills improved a lot during this project. I took on the responsibility of testing the components and managing the developers involved, reporting the process weekly to my team leader and product managers.

Thanks for reading!

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© Framer Inc. 2023, Jessica Rebouças

© Framer Inc. 2023, Jessica Rebouças